The Heartbeat Hypothesis

The Heartbeat Hypothesis by Lindsey Frydman
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The greatest gift on earth is that of life, some would say that to be given a second chance at life, a new heart, a new ray of hope for your family is the best thing, but not Audra, not when she knows the young beautiful Emily had to die in order for her to live.

Audra reaches out to Emily’s family, and she meets Jake, Emily’s brother- the guy who should have “Brood” as his middle name. He’s a photographer and she has this crazy idea of doing what Emily did based on the photos on her Tumblr page.

The question on my mind as I kept turning the pages was, “would Jake ever forgive himself for not being there to save his sister?” There is a shift of focus somewhere in the middle when it dawns on the reader that life brings down everyone, and grief consumes everyone in their own way and pace.

The Heartbreak Hypothesis takes you on a journey of love, forgiveness and most of all…healing from grief. It is not an easy journey but as Jake and Audra learn, it is a journey worth making.

I really loved the way this book made me feel. I went on that journey with Audra, Jake, their families and friends and I found myself grateful for the peace of mind that came over me at the end.